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PAGE GAP from India with us

Member of the International Council of Dance, UNESCO, the Group Performing Art of Global Exchange & Gujarat Art Platform comes form Gujarat, the westernmost state of India. The promoters of this institution have invested at least five decades of their lives to achieve the confidence to speak about their great heritage and to lead the young generation to the world platform. PAGE GAP has concentrated a foot forward, as the first leap on folk theatre (Bhawai) and Folk dances (Rasgarba) for which Gujarat is known from centuries to the rest of India and will be known to the rest of the world.

Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Ribatejo Sul vai apoiar o Festival

A notícia não pode ser melhor. A Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Ribatejo Sul vai ser um parceiro no Festival Internacional de Folclore de Benfica do Ribatejo. A aposta no folclore e na tradição em terra de agricultores por parte desta Entidade vai ser ganha com a imagem da Caixa Agrícola presente durante todos os dias do Festival e em todas as iniciativas. Obrigado à Caixa Agrícola Ribatejo Sul por ter acreditado de que em Benfica do Ribatejo vai nascer um grande projecto, um grandioso evento que enriquecerá a terra e toda a região.

Here we are!

Allow us to introduce ourselves! We are a group of friends who have in common theirs roots. We wre born in Almeirim, a beautiful country city of Ribatejo, the most charming region of Portugal. People of Ribatejo are friendly, like to eat, drink, have fun, enjoy the good things of life. Maybe because of that, we appreciate music, dancing, singing, the meeting of cultures and the aproaching of people. The story of this festival began when one of us, had the ideia. "Crazy guy" we thought, but when God wants, man dreams sooner, something had to appear. We are working! We are sending invitations! We have answers. Some of them surprising!... Macedonia, India, England, Argélia... but we want more. We want a piece of the world in our town.