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Confirmada a Segunda comitiva do Egito no FIFCA 2018

Confirmada a Segunda comitiva do Egito no FIFCA 2018
República Árabe do Egito

The Alexandria Folk-Dance Troupe Of Egypt


Alexandria Folk Dance Troupe of Egypt

The Alexandria Folk Dance Troupe is always searching for a unique art – an art good enough for the land and the people it represents. The troupe performs all kinds of folk-dance journeying from the Alexandria region to the North, East, West, Central desert and South of the great nation of Egypt.

In addition to original dance pieces, the troupe experiments with folk dances and reproduces them in new molds. Colourful, full of energy and culture, this performance which has been presented by the Embassy of Egypt in Zimbabwe, will engage and delight audiences, especially those experiencing the magic of Egyptian dance for the first time.

The Folk of any nations gives it its identity as a creative & original nation.
Hence Egyptian folklore must by necessity, rid itself of the inheritance of foreign occupation to maintain an identity of its own. FOLLOW
It must rid itself of all such foreign stigmas starting from the dance of slave girls & ending with sensual arts.

This could only be achieved by inviting the art of the soul & mind. This art would undoubtedly contribute in shaping the taste & the culture of nation.
It must be an art good enough for the land and the people it represents.
The Alexandria Folkloric Troupe while presenting its works which were inspired but our heritage of original creative Egyptian Folklore always searching for this unique art.

It also considers Alexandria not only as an Egyptian province it represents, but also as a crowned capital of art , both because of its richness in artists as will as its cultural distinction amongst the various capital of fine arts in Egypt and its central position.
The Alexandria Folkloric Troupe is a public group which performs all kinds of Egyptian Folk-dance performed either in the north of the south of Egypt.
In addition it presents original dance which experiment with folk dances and reproduce them in new molds.

However all experimental dancing performed by group remains strongly attached to Alexandria art and the general rules of Egyptian dancing so that new product also reflects the national identity and the appropriate image of Egyptians internationally .
This is all for the sake of presenting fine arts which spring from Egyptian and respect their heritage and feelings.

founded by mr ali el gendi the artistic director in 1968, and the decision was made in 1981 of the province, to become official troupe in the field of folk arts since its inception and for many years participated dozens of international events and Arabic, and won many awards and honors world.

the troupe Earned wide acclaim gained since the sixties to the end of the last century, known to the public Alexandrian their own reviews famous, which was keen to make it work variety of the arts of the province and dances selected from the Egyptian cities in general, known for dances local, such as «people sea» and «facial dancer» and «Hillalah» and «Racotiis», in addition to dances, other cities such as «stop», «Zjalh», «skirts» and others,

ALEXANDRIA FOLK DANCE TROUPE consists of two divisions, one is the original troupe and the other is the blaze troupe for ballet and free dance

Alexandria Folk Dance Troupe program
(From north to west and from south to east)
Selections from the Egyptian Folklore
The proposed program


- El – Moga
- Aleskandrania … Panorama of Alexandrian art dance. 10.24

- Nesma Bahary (Bahari Breeze) … A dance based on the Alexandria folk-dance in the areas of fisherman.

- Al – Sekina (The Alexandrine Knife) … A dance performed by men in Alexandria.

- Takasem Rakesa (Nay dancer)…Variations on the Public dances work in Alexandria.

Western Desert

- Al – Kaff (The Palm) … Variations of the famous ceremony dance to stop which was a performed region... King Marriott, Ameriya, Burj Al Arab ... From Alexandria to Matruh.

- El – Zagala (Zjalp) … Variations of the famous ceremony dance Siwa Oasis, which performed in the celebrations of Harvest collection dates and olives and marriage ceremonies.

Central Delta and the Egyptian cities

- Variations on a popular Egyptian dance Contemporary Art People.


- The Song of the South … Dance poem in memorial of ancient Nubian.

- Al – Oksoryat (Girls from Luxor) … Dance for girls in Upper Egypt affected by the ancient Egyptian dance.

-Al – Osi (The Sticks) … For games and dancing stick (Qena – Upper Egypt).

East Desert
-El – Dahya … Variations on dances months Ceremony Sinai desert cities Arish... Rafah... Sheikh Zuwaid.

- El – Dabka El – Arabia … Dances, the most famous of Arab dances which are performed in the Sinai and until Palestine.

1 W. Germany
Folklore ( ERLANGEN ) Festival International 7- 10/7/1977
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FIFCA 2023


"Apresentamos “ Valter Madureira” que nos concedeu a enorme honra de apadrinhar esta edição do FIFCA 2018.

"Apresentamos “ Valter Madureira” que nos concedeu a enorme honra de apadrinhar esta edição do FIFCA 2018. Um exemplo de humildade e profissionalismo." No FIFCA 2016 , convidamos  Antonio Manuel Ribeiro , lider e vocalista dos UHF, musico, um pensador e escritor ligado a cultura. No FIFCA 2018 convidamos uma personalidade, ligada ao Jornalismo e a comunicação. Um homem de grande sensibilidade cultural e humildade de caracter, que consideramos uma jovem e promissora referencia, na área do Jornalismo e Comunicação, uma inspiração e exemplo a seguir pelas futuras gerações. A sua abnegação em actividades em prol da sua Cidade e Concelho, esta demonstrada em todas as iniciativas para o qual é solicitado e para as quais sempre se dispõe a colaborar. Apresentamos “   Valter Madureira ” que nos concedeu a enorme honra de apadrinhar esta edição do FIFCA 2018. Um exemplo de humildade e profissionalismo.

Mensagem Oficial do Exmo Sr. José Carlos Silva, Presidente do Centro Recuperação Infantil de Almeirim (CRIAL)

Mensagem Oficial do Exmo Sr. José Carlos Silva, Presidente do Centro Recuperação Infantil de Almeirim (CRIAL) Para quem teve o privilégio de ver nascer, apoiar e acompanhar de perto o evoluir deste evento, cujo valor artístico e exemplo de sucesso são inegáveis, tem o dever e a obrigação de parabenizar este grupo de gente dedicada, que afincadamente tem sabido contornar adversidades várias e que, por direito próprio, já conquistou espaço no panorama cultural concelhio e naci onal. Hoje, ligado por paixão a uma IPSS de referência, e quase excelência, do concelho de Almeirim, em nome de todo o CRIAL, quero, em mais uma realização do FIFCA, agradecer a continuidade desta parceria que proporciona aos utentes desta Instituição diálogos multiculturais e, nalguns casos, vantagens terapêuticas. Bem-haja a quem contribui para a elevação do Folclore e Etnografia enquanto manifestação intercultural e preservação da identidade de um povo. José Carlos Silva Presidente do  Crialalme